Sunday, February 26, 2012

02-25-12 week

This week we finished the Echo class and it was interesting, but we would need more time to practice if we want to sit for that board.
The abdomen review class is almost over, and I hope we will have more time to study. Right now the schedule is too full to actually have enogh time for study. I am looking forward to having more study time for the boards.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

2-19-12 week

This week we had 6 days of school, between three days of clinicals, and three of school. I had barely enough time to do minimum amount of work for school. I hope it will get easier. Right now is very busy and  I do a lot of driving, that adds up to my day.
Otherwise, it was a good week.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

02-11-12 week

This week we had a Vascular Review final and I got a B in the class, and I am very happy with it.
My clinical hours were divided between the Vein Clinic and the John C Lincoln. I am looking forward to graduating. I can't wait until I get paid for this.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2-5-12 week

This week I spent three days at the clinicals , one at JCL and two at the veind clinic. Next week we will have the final in vascular review class. I hope I will do well.