Sunday, April 22, 2012

04-21-2012 week

This week we had our presentations on our Neurosonography class. We had to present about nuclear medicine studies. I am glad it is over. Can't wait to get a job.

04-14-12 week

We have a test this week on our MSK class so I am studying and hoping to do well.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

4-7-2012 week

It is getting closer and closer to the end of the program and I am very excited. We finished the OB review class and I think I did OK. I am so ready for a break.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

03-31-2012 week

This week I went to my first AIUM conference and I have enjoyed it a lot. I have learned a lot of information about new technology and ultrasound machines. I have attended some speeches about OB, elastography, and others. Very interesting. I have also met my required number of clinical hours and for the rest of the program I will still attend clinicals, but less hours / day.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

03-24-12 week

This week was back to normal, three days of clinicals, and two of classes. We started the OB review class. I am very happy that I passed the other two review classes, and I hope to pass this one as well.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

03-10-12 week

This week marks the beginning of our spring break, and I am ready for a break. We completed the abdomen review class, and I got a good score. After break we start OB review.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

3-3-12 week

This week was a busy week. I went three days to the clinicals sites and two days at school. The week after next will be spring break and I am looking forward to having a short break.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

02-25-12 week

This week we finished the Echo class and it was interesting, but we would need more time to practice if we want to sit for that board.
The abdomen review class is almost over, and I hope we will have more time to study. Right now the schedule is too full to actually have enogh time for study. I am looking forward to having more study time for the boards.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

2-19-12 week

This week we had 6 days of school, between three days of clinicals, and three of school. I had barely enough time to do minimum amount of work for school. I hope it will get easier. Right now is very busy and  I do a lot of driving, that adds up to my day.
Otherwise, it was a good week.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

02-11-12 week

This week we had a Vascular Review final and I got a B in the class, and I am very happy with it.
My clinical hours were divided between the Vein Clinic and the John C Lincoln. I am looking forward to graduating. I can't wait until I get paid for this.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2-5-12 week

This week I spent three days at the clinicals , one at JCL and two at the veind clinic. Next week we will have the final in vascular review class. I hope I will do well.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

1-29-12 week

This week I spent two days at the Vein Clinic, and one at JCL. We took a test in our Vascular Reviwe class, and I did pretty bad, but maybe better than others. It was passable, so I won't complain.

I am working on our Pediatric Bowel Presentation, and I am looking forward on finishing it and concentrate on my boards.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1-21-12 week

This week we had one day off for the holiday, two days of school, and two of clinicals. I am sharing my time again between the Vein Clinic and JCL. I have two more comps to go, because I scanned two testicular studies last week, and this week.
Again, cannot wait to start working soon.

1-14-12 week

This week was a full 40 hours a week clinical time, and I have enjoyed sharing my time between the Vein Clinic and the JCL - North Mountain. I cannot wait to start working as a tech soon.

1-7-12 week

This week was our first week of clinicals after the winter break. I missed most of it because of my trip to Europe, but I will make up the hours at a later date. I have truly enjoyed my winter vacation and I feel rested and ready to finish this program and get a job soon.