Saturday, October 29, 2011

10-29-11 week

This week I was able to pass my carotid scanning test in the lab, and I was very happy about it. We had a potluck at school to celebrate Bryan's birthday.
My clinicals were great as usual, at PCH.
My case study was about a breast cyst in a newborn boy.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

10-22-11 Week

This week we learned about Segmental Pressure Equipment, and I was the patient. I realized how painful is to have cuffs over your legs.
In clinicals, I share my time between PCH and JCL. I got to learn new tricks from the techs and I am very thankful to be at these two sites.
I presented a case about adrenal gland hemorhage in a newborn.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

10-15-11 week

This week we scan more venous legs in lab, and I posted a case study about Baker's Cyst Aspiration. In clinicals I went to PCH for two days and to JCL for one. I scanned more renal studies and some neonatal heads on Monday. Very interesting week.

Friday, October 7, 2011

10-8-2011 week

This week we had two tests: one on DMS 210(vascular), and one on DMS 235(breast U/S). I think I did OK, but I haven't seen the final results. I am still at PCH and I love it. I scan and see a lot of new exams, and I learn a lot every day. The techs are very nice and knowledgeable, especially Pat. I will work with her next week for one day or so.
In lab we continued with our leg venous studies and I am getting better.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

10-1-2011 week

This week we continued to scan venous legs in the lab, and during my clinical days I continued rotating to PCH, which is my favorite spot so far. I am waiting for Pat to come back from her vacation of three weeks, so I can scan more with her. She loves to teach me, so I am planning to follow her as much as possible.