Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8-28-11 week

I started classes this week and it is so good to see all my classmates. We started Advanced Procedures, High Risk OB, Breast US, Vascular Procedures, Case Studies and lab for Vascular class.
This week I scanned carotid in the lab, and it is good to realize that I am doing OK with it. I still need more practice, but it feels good to realize that I am doing great with it.

8-19-2011 week

This is my last week of 40 hours/week in clinicals. I will start classes next week, and I am looking forward to learning new things. I spent this week at JCL and scan as much as possible.


This week was my last week of the OB rotation. I will miss both Beth and Ana, as they spend a lot of time teaching me how to scan OB. Thank you both!

8-6-11 week

This week I scan more OB and enjoy every second of it. I love scanning OB, and I will look for a job that has a lot of OB as part of it. I got to scan twins and do a lot of biophysical profiles.

07-30-2011 week

This week was spent perfecting my scanning techniques for both OB, abdomen, and vascular. I started scanning more carotid studies.

07-23-2011 week

Half way through the OB rotation, and I got to be part of a case study discussion among the perinatalogists about some interesting cases. Some of the fetuses had heart defects and some of the information was brand new to me.

07-16-2011 week

My OB experience continues, as I learn more about this area of ultrasound. I enjoy scanning fetuses, and seeing their movements and actions. I saw a 3D ultrasound of the baby's face. The few cases that have pathology were: uretheral obstruction, with polycystic kidney disease, and hydrocephalus. The doctor told the patient that the baby with polycystic kidneys will most likely not survive.

7-9-11 week

After my one week off I came back for a 36 hours week. I went to Pinetop and I hiked around the woods. It was great to spend some time with my family and exercise.
This week was great at St Joe's. I got to scan a lot more, since Beth was off this week. I got to see an amniocentesis procedure.

06-25-11 week

This is the last week before our one week vacation. I am sharing my time between St Joe's and JCL, and I enjoy it. I am gaining some confidence about my OB scanning, but I need a lot more practice.

06-18-2011 week

This week I am going 16 hours to St Joe's and 24 hours at JCL-North Mountain. I love learning about hight risk OB. Beth and Ana are very useful and they let me scan as much as possible.

6-11-11 week

My last week of 40 hours/week at JCL-North Mountain. Next week I will start at St Joe's Outpatient Center, for my OB rotation. I am looking forward to scanning pregnant women.
This week I worked more with the techs on getting better at all exams. I love going to the hospital on Saturdays, since I see more OB cases, and other unusual cases, like a TRUS prostate, and interesting pelvic cases.

6-4-11 week

We had one day off for Memorial Day on Monday and the rest of the week I was at JCL-North Mountain. I worked a lot on interventional cases: paracentesis, thoracentesis, and FNA's.

5-28-11 week

This was my first week of 40 hours/ week at the hospital. I got to see and do a lot of cases, mostly renal, abdomen, venous studies.

Two weeks off

We had two weeks off until 5-23-11. I took the opportunity to study for the SPI exam. My examination is scheduled on 5-31-11 at 8am. I managed to pass the exam on my first try with a score of 94%.

5-6-11 week

This was the last week of school, before our two weeks off. We had finals this week in school, and two days of clinicals. In clinicals I work more on my protocol on Venous Legs, trying to perfect the sequence of images that I take for the radiologist.