Thursday, September 30, 2010

DMS 110 lab 09-30-2010

Today we scanned the biliary tree and we adjusted the brightnes gain, TCG's and the power knobs. I was able to find the CBD in the left decubitus position, and it measured 3.6 mm. My patient had a lot of gas, so I had to place her on the left side and use an intercostal window.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

DMS 110 lab liver and great vessels 09/23/2010

Today we scanned each other without using the book as the reference. I was able to obtain images in long and trans of the great vessels, and the liver. I measured the distal aorta both in long and trans, right before it bifurcates. My partner was a great vis for liver, mainly for portal veins, but a hard one for the celiac trunk in transverse.
Over all a great lab, I was able to remember all the required images needed for our protocol.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

DMS 110 lab liver, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, CBD

We scanner each other and looked for liver, gallbladder, CBD, both kidneys, spleen, aorta. We took measurements in both longitudinal, and transverse of the kidneys, GB, CBD, aorta, spleen. We also positioned the patient in a left decub for the GB.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9th, 2010 DMS 110 lab

Today in lab we scanned each other, using the intercostal window. We looked at the liver, great vessels, spleen, right and left kidneys and the liver vasculature. We scanned in sagital, transverse, and coronal planes, when the patient was taking a deep breath, and when she was taking a shallow one. At the end of a deep breath in, we noticed that the liver and other organs moved inferiorly, and at the end of a shallow breath, the organs did not move as much.
The liver looked much clearer after the patient took a deep breath, because it moved inferiorly and was not superimposed by the ribs as much. The spleen looked better after a shallow inspiration, and the kidneys looked more clear when the patient was holding the breath.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

DMS 110 lab 09-01-2010

Today we scanned each other using the left hand, and paying attention to ergonomics. We scanned the aorta in longitudinal, but switching between the normal view and the harmonics view to see the difference.

Second DMS 120 lab 08-31-10

Today we scanned each other again, but we switched partners and machines. I learned to use the newest machine. The images were so much better.

First time we scanned each other

Today 08-26-10 in DMS 120 lab we scanned each other. We looked for the great vessels, both in longitudinal and in transverse cuts. The scanner that we used was not connected to Pacs, so I have no images to attach.